⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Moving across the country is never an easy thing to do, especially when purchasing a new home. The Johnson & Jury group truly made this experience extremely fast, easy, and straight to the point. I met Lee, Paul, and their team online and they immediately walked me through the process of viewing homes virtually, and wasted no times with getting me scheduled for showings! Not only would they travel a good distance to homes I was interested in, but they would take extremely detailed videos of every single inch of a property and send them directly to me. They always included voiceovers, which specified any concerns about properties, and described everything I was seeing in the video. We also set up a few video chat calls so that I could see the surrounding areas. They were consistently in touch with my lender, and it felt like I did not have to lift a finger throughout this whole process! Ultimately, with their help and expertise of the home buying process and everything that comes with it, I purchased my dream home without even seeing it in person. When I touched base in SC, they set me up to do a walk through tour, and I fell in love with it even more. I am officially closed on my dream home, and I owe a HUGE thank you to the Johnson & Jury team. If you are looking for a true 5 star team to help you find your dream home, you’ve come to the right place!