⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Paul and Lee go out of their way to sell your home for you! They were both exceptional to work with. They were always available when we had questions. They were in constant communication with us every step of the way. They listened to all of our concerns and was very knowledgeable about the market and what was needed to get our house sold. My husband was hospitalized two weeks prior to closing and he had all intentions on getting the grass cut. Lee actually reached out and offered to do that for us! We didn’t have to have his help, but his kindness will never be forgotten!! They helped us and our three daughters with buying/selling homes. Our three girls were all first time buyers and it was nice to have them help them with that process. We highly recommend them! I tell everyone i know how great they are!

— wilsonkrystal1975 4/30/2023


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